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God has called us to be stewards of creation, responding to needs both locally and globally.  We are committed to the struggle for justice, love, and inclusiveness, with the example and teachings of Jesus Christ as our guide.  

At The Bridge we are committed to service to others.  We actively seek opportunities to support our communities - especially those marginalized and overlooked by society.  We feel strongly that it's not only important to give but to do.  We want to be a church that does more than write a check or drop off a box of canned goods - we want to do those things too, but perhaps more importantly, we want to be a church that serves!  

The first Sunday of each month we have a donation drive for a designated organization (see our schedule below).  Whenever possible, that donation drive will be combined with an opportunity to serve that same organization later in the month.  

We make a conscious effort to work with a wide variety of organizations.  Our hope in doing so is that each and every person at The Bridge has the opportunity to find something they feel passionate about - something they will want to continue supporting long after our monthly event is done. 


Below you will find a list of some of the organizations we're scheduled to work with in 2024.  More details on these opportunities to give and serve are posted to the main page of this website, in our pre-service announcements, in our Facebook group, and in our weekly e-mail.  If you ever have any questions regarding upcoming events, please feel free to contact us.






  • Redbird Mission  [learn more]

  • Washington Senior Living (planting flower pots for seniors)





  • Panther Pro Shop

  • Moms Who Care  [learn more]

  • Wildcats Care


  • LULA  [learn more]

  • Black Partridge Apple Orchard


  • Washington Weekend Snackpac



Here are just some of projects we've done in the past and the organizations we've supported:

  • Collected breakfast items and snacks for Branches of Washington to distribute to local schools.  

  • Collection of hygiene products for the Dream Center's Hope Store.  We also served their guests in the store later that month.  

  • Provided cleaning supplies and helped pack cleaning buckets to be distributed to the guests of Sophia's Kitchen in Peoria.

  • Collected 40 pairs of children's shoes for Threads, Hope, & Love.

  • During the 2023 Advent season we raised over $6,500 to be split between the WCHS Panther Pro Shop, Moms Who Care, and the Salvation Army Veterans Affairs division.

  • Assembled hundreds of "Blessing Bags" to be given to the homeless.  

  • Prepared and distributed gift bags and spent time visiting with the seniors at Washington Senior Living.

  • Monthly collections to benefit local food pantries.

  • Packed over 1,600 bags for the Washington Snackpac program.  

  • Packed over 1,000 bags of "Tender Mercies" at Midwest Food Bank.  

  • Our youth group has helped several area seniors by cleaning windows, doing yard work, etc.  

  • Picked and distributed 17 bushels of apples to 5 local food pantries!  

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