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If your child will be attending the nursery, Bridge Kids, or Faith Builders we ask that you register them first - this will only need to be done once.  You can register your child on Sunday morning but we encourage you to register them in advance - not only is it more convenient but it will allow us to focus on welcoming you and your child and not on filling out forms!


Once registered, stop by the check-in table each week to check them in and have them wear the provided name tag.  Our check-in table is located just past the Welcome Table as you enter the main doors. If you need help just stop at the Welcome Table and they'd be happy to point you in the right direction!



Our nursery is available during Sunday School and the worship service (9am-11am) for children up to 3 years of age. 



Bridge Kids is our Sunday School offering for kids 3 years old (if potty trained) through 5th grade. Our focus is on building faith in our children through these basic principles:  God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Bridge Kids uses the Cokesbury's Big Faith curriculum.  


Bridge Kids meets from 9:00-9:45 on Sunday mornings (during the school year). 




We believe it's important everyone feels a part of our worship service - and that definitely includes our kids!  Prior to the sermon each Sunday children will be invited to the front for a brief lesson.  Adults are more than welcome to come forward with their children if that makes them feel more comfortable.  The kids will sit on a rug and will usually be asked a few fun questions that lead into that week's lesson.  Once the lesson is complete children can go to Faith Builders (pre-K - 2nd grade, see below) or return to sit with their adults.  



Faith Builders is our ministry for children in pre-K through 2nd grade  Our goal is to give them a chance to learn more about the building blocks of our faith in an age appropriate way.  


Faith Builders meets during the worship service each Sunday (year round).  Children will be led to Faith Builders following the Children's Moment during the worship service.  Children can be picked up following the worship service.  


Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this ministry on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. If you would like to volunteer or if you have any questions, please contact Kathy Orscheln at




On paper we love the idea of our children worshipping with us but we know that's not always practical for them (or us).  If your small children get a little squirrely during worship we have an area toward the back of the gym with toys and activities for quiet play.      


We also have "quiet bags" just inside the entrance to the gym that contain worksheets for the older kids (connect the dots, spot the differences, etc.).  



JAM is a youth group-like program for 3rd through 5th graders - a safe and fun environment where they can learn more about Jesus and the Bible.  A typical night will consist of activities and games, snack time, a large group lesson, and small group discussion.  We'll also have some extra fun "theme" nights sprinkled in throughout the year.  


JAM will be held on the dates below from 6:00pm-7:30pm at the Bridge office, 401 S. Walnut in Washington.  Dates are as follows:


September 15th - Kickoff party!
October 13th and 20th
November 3rd and 17th
December 8th - Party!
January 12th and 26th
February 2nd and 23rd
March 9th - End of year party!


You ran register for JAM in advance by clicking the button below.  To keep up with all the latest please follow our JAM! Facebook Page



There are opportunities to make a difference in the lives of our youth every week. All leaders are background-checked, trained, and our teams are committed to providing the best possible experience to help children grow spiritually and personally.  If you're interested in learning more send an email to

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THE BRIDGE UMC - Washington IL

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