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“And because there was no room for them.” Luke 2:7


As I was preparing for Advent sermons I kept being drawn to this verse. What a curious thing that Luke reported – that God chose to have the Messiah born in such difficult circumstances. You would think that the Messiah would be born in a palace, in a mansion, or at the very least, a home. Instead, there was no room for him to be born, except for a stable.


I love the Christmas season and participate fully in its frenzy of buying and traveling and enjoying the festivities. But in my soul, I keep returning to the idea of Christmas, that God pointed the world towards a stable because the world had “no room” anywhere else.


We will be exploring together this theme as we prepare for Christmas. I invite you to step momentarily away from the holiday festivities on Sunday mornings and back into the story of the Holy Day. To do this, we must take time and allow ourselves spiritually to be carried away to the stable as well. Let’s make room in our souls for the Messiah to be born.


Our Ministries in Action team has planned a series of encounters to help us learn more about the needs of the unhoused in our very own community, and what we can do as a congregation to help (check out the “Advent Calendar” and “Get Involved” links on the homepage for more details).


Then, on December 17, we will take a special offering we’re calling a “Peace Parade” to benefit ministries that care for those around us who are unhoused.


Let’s make room for the real meaning of Christmas and the birth of the promise of peace this Christmas season.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Tom Goodell



There is so much going on this Advent / Christmas season!  To keep you connected we've collected all of our Advent and Christmas events right here.  For all the latest, be sure you follow the Bridge UMC Facebook Page.




9:00am - Adult and Youth Educational Forum:  "Unhoused Children & Youth In Our Community"

Learn what this looks like where we live, what's being done about it, and how we can help.  A panel of teachers and administrators will lead the discussion.  Held in CPS library.


10:00am - Sermon focus:  Why did God choose a poor, marginalized woman to bring us Christmas?


12:00pm - Kindmas

Join us for a potluck lunch to benefit Threads, Hope and Love.  Bring a dish to share and an unwrapped present per person to donate.  Held at the American Legion Hall - 211 Legion RD in Washington.  More information can be found here.


2:30pm - Wondering to Bethlehem

An immersive family Advent kickoff.  Free and open to all.  Held at Evangelical United Methodist Church.  More information can be found here.  



9:00am - Adult and Youth Educational Forum:  "Veterans and Homelessness"

Learn about the need for military veteran housing in our community and how we can help.  Daniel Bean from the Salvation Army will lead the discussion.  Held in CPS library. 


10:00am - Sermon focus:  Our Royal Adoption

How do we, who are outside a relationship with God, now have a home with Him?


4:00pm - Christmas Caroling

We'll be meeting at Evangelical UMC, breaking into groups, and heading out to spread some Christmas cheer.  We will reconvene at Evangelical UMC afterward for hot chocolate, treats, and fellowship.



5:00pm - Youth Service Project:  Heart House

We'll be serving at Heart House in Eureka, helping to sort presents donated for their annual Christmas giveaway.  Afterward we'll head to the Kopinski's for a game night.  For updates please join the Bridge Youth Facebook Group.



9:00am - Children's Sunday School:  Christmas Party


9:00am - Adult and Youth Mission Project:  Peace Packages

Join us as we pack supply bags to distribute to the unhoused.  


10:00am - Sermon focus:  "No Room"

Was Jesus born unhoused?


10:00am - Peace Parade

During the worship service we will be taking a special offering designated to ministries that serve the unhoused in our communities.  Please consider a gift equal to the most significant gift you will receive this Christmas season.




7:00pm - Blue Christmas Service

Christmas isn't a happy time for everyone.  In order to meet people where they are, this service holds space for our grieving hearts.  We will acknowledge that sometimes the holidays are hard.  We will pray, hear beautiful music, light candles, and remember.  




10:00am - Family Worship

Prepare your heart for the arrival of Jesus witha  joyful, family friendly Sunday with carols and a children's lesson based on "The Grinch."


6:00pm - Candlelight Service

Prepare your heart for the arrival of Jesus with beautiful music, scripture, and worship.  



10:00 - Worship at Willow Hill UMC in East Peoria / Germantown Hills 

We will not be meeting at CPS this morning - instead we will be joining Willow Hill UMC for their worship service.



As a church focused on service to others we must seek to learn about the needs of the marginalized and how we can help. Throughout Advent we have planned a series of encounters and activities focused on supporting the unhoused in our own community.



During our regular worship service on December 17 we will have the opportunity to come forward in our Peace Parade to give a special monetary gift that will be split between several local organizations serving the unhoused in our communities - Moms Who Care, the Panther Pro Shop, and the Salvation Army | Veterans Affairs.  



On December 3 and 10, instead of our regular Adult and Youth Sunday School classes, we are hosting Educational Forums in the CPS library at 9am. (Children's Sunday School classes will be held as normal.)   


December 3:  A panel of school teachers and administrators will lead a discussion on unhoused youth in our communities; what the schools and local organizations are doing to respond, and what we can do to help. 


December 10:  Daniel Bean from the Salvation Army will join us to discuss the challenges around housing for our veterans and how we can support that mission.



Small groups are encouraged to do service projects that align with our advent theme of serving the unhoused in our area.  If you're planning on making care bags or donating items we highly encourage you to contact and work with a local organization to ensure you are best meeting their needs - this video explains the importance of doing so.



We've all seen people standing on the street corner asking for help and it can be difficult to know how best to support them.  Most organizations serving the unhoused agree blessing bags are a good way to do that. 


December 10:  While our Children have their Sunday School Christmas Party, our Youth and Adults are encouraged to join us to make blessing bags - each will contain a bottle of water, snack, gloves and/or hat, and hand warmers.  Then when you see someone in need you'll be able to bless them with a bag!



Bridge Youth will be serving at Heart House in December - sorting toys for their annual Christmas giveaway.  For more information on that please follow the Facebook page for Bridge Youth.




"Mariam" - Who was Mary? And why did God choose a poor, marginalized woman to bring us the Christ Child.


Facebook (video) | Spotify (audio)


"Our Royal Adoption" - How do we, who were outside a relationship with God, now have a home with Him?


Facebook (video) | Spotify (audio)


"No Room" - Why was Jesus born Unhoused?


Facebook (video) | Spotify (audio)


10:00am - Family Worship: Prepare your heart for the arrival of Jesus with a joyful, family-friendly service with carols and a children’s lesson focused on “The Grinch.”


6:00pm - Candlelight Service: Prepare your heart for the arrival of Jesus with beautiful music,

scripture, and fellowship.


Facebook (video) | Spotify (audio)

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